1) I am a pedigreed cat! Did you realize that pedigreed cats are less than 3 % of all cats. That makes me weerd.
2) I am weerd cuz I have a registered name- Rubanthom Alexandra Dasha. Weerd, right? Hey efurryone calls me Lexi or Bexi or Flexi (i finks cuz of my flexabillity-see pic below).
3) I luv to lay in my basket on my back. It may seem weerd but it sure is comfy!
4) I luv to jump to high places especially tops of doors or shower rods as in the pic below. Don't you fink that is weerd?

5) I luvs to fetch. I have been doing this since I was a kitten. My beans were astonished that I fetched like a dog. Weerd right?
6) I luvs it when one of my beans scritches the base of my tail. They finks that I am weerd cuz then I lick their noz.
7) I likes some hooman foods like Sahmun, chick-hen and even tomato sauce! Now THAT is weerd!!
Hi Alexi, you are weird and adorable.
I have a little grey kitty, he is not a pedigree, but he looks a bit like you.
He is small and has big green eyes.
He is an acrobat.
And he jumps up on any ledge he can.
The curtain rods, the shower curtain, even the door frames. Not much room there, either.
I suspect you and Smokey would really be great pals.
He also like salmon and chicken, not sure about the tomato sauce.
Come on over and see Smokey sometimes, okay.
Mom ML
Awwww!!! Alexi you are so cute and we love the weird things about you!!
Howdy from your TX furiends,
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