From all of us kittens and beans at the Castle!!! Hope efurryone stays safe this Halloween especially our black kitteh friends. Mombean wanted to share with efurryone the origins of Halloween. Ok Mombean - all yours!
Thanks Alexi, To all our furriends around the world, I thought everyone might enjoy a bit of background on Halloween. The evening of October 31st (today) is known as Halloween in many English speaking countries. The word "Halloween" is an Old Anglo-Saxon contraction of "All Hallows Eve". This old designation recognizes that the next two days, Nov. 1 and 2 are holy days in the Christian church. Nov. 1 is All Saints Day and Nov. 2 is All Souls Day -also known as Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. For more information about Halloween and All Saints Day and All Soul's day see this wonderful blog, www.anglicansunited.com/
Hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween, All Saints and All Souls !