Wednesday, April 27, 2011
RIP Sweet Praline!
OHH! NOZE! Da beans gotted back from deer bacashun just a bit ago and founded out about Sweet Praline! OHHHH NOOOOOOZE! The bloggysfear has lost another wonderful furriend and blogging kitty. Sigh. We is furry, furry sad, Mom Paula. We all haz gotten leaky eyes!!!! Sniff! snuff! sniff!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Photohunter: Road- On the Road again!
This weeks Photohunter theme is: Road. Da beans sometimes take us kitties on the road. Da beans usually drive to cat shows.

Driving thru the state of Virginia on our way to or from a cat show there.

Blue Ridge Parway in spring when the Rhododendrons bloom.
Da beans also like to drive places just for the beauty of the place. The above two pics are of the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. This beautiful road which goes thru a national park is one of the most beautiful roads in the USA and America's favorite drive! For more info about the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Surprise partay! What a SURPRIZE!
Hay efurryone,
I hope efurryone hadded a grate time yesserday at my party. Fanks SO MUCH for coming to help me celebrate my puurthday! It was a grate day! I had loads to eat and lots of time to nap. Mombean was pleased that we did not make a huge mess that she hadded to clean up.
Mombean just founded that I can join the Senior kitty club! How CEWL is that?!! YAH!!
My Society of Feeeline Gardener post may be delayed becuz my typist is bizzee dis morning. HMMMPH!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
SUUURPRIZE!!!! Happy Puurthday, Alexi!!!!
O Hai, Galletta here. SSSHHHHH!!! Alexi is waiting for Mombean to get breakfast togefur. But we kitties haf been bizy putting togefur a surprise par- tay for Alexi TODAY!! Drop by any time today and there will be food, fun and furriends. Ok, let's keep this a surprise !!! Then we can all yell surprise! Oi, I luvs a surprise partay.
We starts with the food !!! We are hafting:


Tooo-nah !

Sah- mun! An Alexi fav food!

HAMM! Just for Miles!
And for Libations!!

Milk for those underage kitties !!

Hot teee for the laidees who want a tee par-tay

Nip-tinis!! A CB fav!!

Nip Brandee for the gents !!

Would not be a puurthday party wifout cake. Here is one Mombean fonded.
COOL Cheese cake- kitty stile !!

Coffeee and cookees to round out the menu !!!
For fun !! Cat TREES !!!

Plenty of places to nap on da porch! Just don't take Alexi's baskit in da corner.
We would luv lots of kitties and woofies and beans to drop by da Castle today to wish Alexi a Happy Puurthday ! She turns nine years old today!!! She is seen-nore cat at da Castle!
Peee Ess. I has been biziting the other kitties who haf puurthdays today and has invited them to share in Alexi's party. We can celebrate all purthday kitties togefur !!! What fun!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Easy like Sunday!
Hai All,

Today is Sunday! Time to take it easy. As it is gray and cloudy, Annie and I will be sending the day snuggled up togefur and dreemin' of more purrty flowers like this mini rose called "Mz. Mary".

Mz. Mary

Friday, April 8, 2011
Frootbat Femme Friday!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
SFG: In the garden with Alexi
Hey All,

Time for my first "Soesiety of Feeline Garduners" post. I fink the front yard with the rose garden and the other purity flowers is lady cat territory. So my posties will be mainly about the front yard and rose garden.
Here are some pics of the front yard.
Dogwood tree
Another Dogwood tree, Azalea bush, Camellia bush and mini roses
one of the mini roses near the azalea bush is ready to bloom !
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Tummy and Toesy Toosday!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Easy Like Sunday morning- Today's napping spot!
Hi All,

Time for my update about where I napped today. Once da beans gotten home from the steeple place, I went straight to my spot where I napped for most of the afternoon until Mombean went to a concert in the late afternoon. OOO-KKK!, Ready to find out where I napped today? Scroll down for where I spent the afternoon napping.
Did you correctly guess where I napped this afternoon? Hope efurryone enjoyed their Sunday!!!! I sure did !
Easy like Sunday Morning!
Well, Sunday is here. Which means it is time to take it easy today. I needs to decide where to take a nap. Should it be here on the kitchen porch? Hmmmm.... you can see my basket in the corner- a favorite napping spot.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Photo Hunter: Closed

Today's Photo Hunter Theme is: Closed. I hate a closed can of stinky goodness. Mmmoooooooooommm! Puul-eeze open the stinky goodness !!!!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Fun in the Garden!
Hai All,
Mombean is a bit slow in ree-lizing that there is a Society of Feline Gardeners! Sigh..... she can be a bit denz at times. Anywho, Galletta and I now are part of the Society of Feline Gardeners. Yah! See the link to the left.
We knows Jonesies does his posties about gardening on Thursday. Like I sed, mombean is a bit of a dim bulb so wee did not know until today. Howeffur, I finks G and I are going to enjoy showing you around our yard and garden. Look for our first "In the garden" posts next week. Come back and visit! PUH-LEEZ! we luvz biziters! FANKS!!
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