Sunday, May 29, 2011
Gud morning, efurryone. Katie and da kittens enjoyed seeing efurrycat who came to their shower yesterday. We are now hosting the KASTLE TRASHING at Galletta's bloggie. There are plenty of things to destroy and rides to ride, ceeling fans, for example. Come by and haf some fun! We may post photos later! We also haf plenty of fuds and beverages! Nip, too!!!!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Katie's kitten shower!
Hey All,

We iz first posting pics of parents, Katie and Teddy, and then Katie and babies when they were 3 days old. Then other pics and perhaps a movie will come thru the afternoon.
Katie Momma- What a pretty face!
Teddy, the proud papa! He is a handsome fella!
Here are the early pics of Katie and 3 day old babies.
Katie Momma on bed with her 3 kittens.

Fanks for coming and Kitten shower update
Hey All,
Mallory here. Fanks so much for coming to my party yesterday. I hope efurrybody hatted a grate time. I sure did. There was plenty to eat and drink. Quite da spread da beans put out for my party!
Shower for Katie and kittens will be this afternoon (1-6 PM EDST). In part cuz da beans need to clean up from the party yesterday! And take lots of cute pics of de bebehs. Drop by to see how cute the kittens have gotted. Katie looks good but her figger has changed with mommyhood- LOL! We will have plenty of pictures and perhaps a few treats. Gifts are optional.
Wevfur news! The rain has stopped and the sun is shining! Yah!
Looking forward to seeing our furriends dis afternoon.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Mallory's and Olivia's purrthday par-tay!!
Hi All,

We haz more foods fanks to our furriness at Meowmeowmans. Check out the new yummy foods below.
We iz celly-brating Mallory's and Olivia's puurthday!! YAY!! Over here on my bloggie we iz celebrating Mallory's puurthday. Olivia's par-tay is over at G's bloggie.
Anywayz, Mallory is 8 years old today! Happy Purrthday, Mallory/ Mally / Mao, Mao!!

On to the par-tay! First- on to some foods! YUM! NOM,NOM,NOM!!
Here iz part of the buffet table! Take a plate and dig in !

Sah- mun!! YUM! YUM!!

Hunny baked HAM!!!!!!!! YUMMY!
Lookee what our furriends at Meowmeowmans brough offur-
some real live deed shrimps !! YUMM!

Cuz, we are good southern cats, we haz iced tea with mint!
Soooo cooling and refreshing

Milk - for the underage kitties!!
For toasting the purrthday girl !!!! Champagne !

Of cores, no purrthday is complete wifout purrthday cake!!
The newest napping spot. The new cat tree on da porch!
There is always room for one more kitty!!
This is the top part with the hidey hole!
A couple of furriends brouht offur some nip. bof fresh and dried ! YAH!
fresh cat nip !!

dried cat nip!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Good noos, more good noos, and grate noos!
An Eggstravaganza!!!
Friday. May 27, we will celebrate Mallory's and Olivia's purrfday!
Saturday, May 28, we will have a kitten shower for Katie and her kittens.
Sunday, May 29, we will have a castle trashin' for da beans being so forgetful! They won't forget this!!!!
All in one weekend!!! Efurrybody come!!!
Oh yes, the very bestest noos! Happy purffday Mom ML!!!! We love you!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Closing the blog and cattery?
Hey All.
Mombean is thinking of closing my bloggie as well as the cattery. The cattery becuz she is mad at ACFA who has decided to change our breed once again. As they did hissing violation of registration rules as well as somefing called Bi- laws. What ya think?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Fanks for da birfday wishes!
Fanks to efurryone fur rememberin' my purrfday even if Mombean and Blu Cat Man didn't. I am three years old today! (I fink we're goin' to plan some kind punishment for da beans). Please suggest an appropriate method for letting them kno that we're not happy wif deer furgettin my purrfday.
If da beans do some kind of penance, they will be furgiffen. What do you suggest?
I wish to re-purrt that da kittens are well and haf their eyes open! Pictures will be forthcoming.
Once again, fanks for da Bloggiesfear fur remembering' my purrfday, even if my beans didn't!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Momma Monday!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Exciting noos
We haf some 'aciting noose at da Castle. Yesserday, Mombean got da bestest present efur!!!! Katie, the daughter of our late lamented Molly gave birf to three booful baby kittens! YAY!!!

Momma Katie and her babies are doing well. Here's da first pichurs of Momma and babies.
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