Hi! I am a Krasota kitten ! I was asked to tell you our Halloweenie message.
I hope effury kitty gets LOTS of treats and NO tricks.
Alexi says: Sigh ! Kittens just don't get "it" do they ??? We are Episco-cats at the Castle. Our beans will celebrate All Saints Sunday this Sunday Nov 2 at the steeple place. All Saints Day is a day to remember those who have departed this life to go to the Rainbow Bridge. So a very appropriate time to remember those have gone to the Bridge during the past year. Our beans still miss Evita!! She was their first Russian cat. She was such a grouch but she was lovable.
Did you realize that Halloween originated as a vigil the evening before All Saints Day? Hence, "All Hallows eve" became "Halloween". For more information about Halloween, check out Wikipedia.