Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Meezer Rule Wednesday: determining cuteness
Sometimes efen we can't decide whooz cuter, so...........
heres de Meezer Rule for today:
When in doubt as to the cuteness of two cats,
tussle to determine the cuter kit.
What do you fink? Whooz cuter ? Tat or Binky ??
Tat is the larger, darker furred girl toward the top of the picture and
Binky is the smaller, lighter furred girl when this movie starts
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Easy like sunday!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hi All,
Doesn't a kitteh as floofy as me deeserve to be a member of Floof and Fur ?? Mombean tried and can't get thru to floof and fur. WAAAAHHHH! Any way, here is pics of my floofy-ness.
Mr. G
Doesn't a kitteh as floofy as me deeserve to be a member of Floof and Fur ?? Mombean tried and can't get thru to floof and fur. WAAAAHHHH! Any way, here is pics of my floofy-ness.
Mr. G
More fun things planned at teh Bloggysfear...
Judging Panel for the "I dare You ALL" contest #5
Here is a pickchur of the fine judges that have been picked for this woundeful contest. WOWSIE! What wunderful judes- some of my favorite blogging kittehs! OH LOOK, there I AM!!
Yup yours truly is going to be a judge I am SOOOO X-CITED!
Here is the pic of just me!! Do you like my short hair-do??

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Meezer Colors day!
Hi All,
Efeen though all of us at the Castle are pedigreed cats (Russians and one Nebelung), we do have a small bit of Siamese in us because of an outcross of Russians to Siamese about 5 decades ago-- right after WW II. We have been made honorary meezers by Sammy and Miles Meezer. So we are pawticipating in Meezers Colors day! Here are the pics! Enjoy!!!
I finks the pink is a nice contrast to my gray furs and green eyes!!
I wuz a young cat not even a year old when this pic wuz taken back in 2002.
Aren't theez kittehs adorable in their blue cat bed??
How 'bout this cutie under the christmas tree on the red tree skirt??
We finks Olivia looks puurty against the red background.
She looks puurty against the blue as well. The actuel color is a medium blue
but all the light he used when taking fotos of her makes it look almost purple.
Theez fotos of Olivia wuz taken by fotografer Preston Smith when
Olivia and da beans went to Kansas back in Febuary.
Efeen though all of us at the Castle are pedigreed cats (Russians and one Nebelung), we do have a small bit of Siamese in us because of an outcross of Russians to Siamese about 5 decades ago-- right after WW II. We have been made honorary meezers by Sammy and Miles Meezer. So we are pawticipating in Meezers Colors day! Here are the pics! Enjoy!!!
I wuz a young cat not even a year old when this pic wuz taken back in 2002.

but all the light he used when taking fotos of her makes it look almost purple.
Theez fotos of Olivia wuz taken by fotografer Preston Smith when
Olivia and da beans went to Kansas back in Febuary.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
NEWS about Spay/Neutering of pet cats!
Hi All,
Mombean founded out some news about what percentage of owned cats are spayed/neutered. Can yoo guess?? VOTE in the poll to the right and then go to this site to find out ! Were you right or wrong ? This is a new study- 2009 !!
Even more interesting is that so few households went to breeders for a pet cat, meaning that pedigreed cats are a MUCH smaller percentage of owned cats than previously thought! Also, this data means that unowned (stray/feral cats) are much LARGER part of the pet overpopulation problem than previously thought!
Mombean founded out some news about what percentage of owned cats are spayed/neutered. Can yoo guess?? VOTE in the poll to the right and then go to this site to find out ! Were you right or wrong ? This is a new study- 2009 !!
Even more interesting is that so few households went to breeders for a pet cat, meaning that pedigreed cats are a MUCH smaller percentage of owned cats than previously thought! Also, this data means that unowned (stray/feral cats) are much LARGER part of the pet overpopulation problem than previously thought!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Annie's birthday!
Today, we celebrate Annie's birthday and are celebrating all weekend! Blu Cat Man incorrectly reported it as yesterday, June 6. Her birthday is actually tomorrow, June 8. So we're celebrating all weekend! See what a pretty face Annie has!
Annie loves kittens and they obviously all love her whether they belong to her or not.
She is enjoying this attention...we hope!
She is enjoying this attention...we hope!

Here's Annie's first litter, the black kitten up at the top of the photo is Mallory! The other kittens have found forever homes!
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